Tea. India has many large exports. In 2015 it was the world's largest rice and beef exporter. India is also the second largest exporter of textiles and one of the largest exporters of cotton. You can find more details about India's exports and imports, as well as buy Indian products on Export Portal.
You can trade for them and find them in the Wilderness.
You cant but u can find a trainer with a Haunter and trade it with a friend, then trade back and u have Gengar.
In the tribal library.
you have to get it as your starter or trade it.
One can find data on the gold trade in many money or investment publications. Reuters also reports regularly on the gold trade. The World Gold Council also provides trade data.
looking for trust online source of data for commercial companies
The British Exporters Database and Information Service
INTERTECNICA LTD fcamilleri@intertecnica.com.mt
The link below provides details of animal clothing traders
The Spanish came to America to find gold. They didn´t know it was America.They wanted to go to the Indian continent for trade.
The reason is so Europeans can trade their weapons for natural resources from the Indian tribes
It can be found anywhere an easy way to track it is have a friend trade you latias so you can receive data on it check your pokedex to find it use the masterball on it and your done.
you find the mad of the data by
not realy, mabye if they are on level 100. i traded a level 100 mew on world trade center. but you can trade with friends.
The Europeans came to the New World on accident to find an alternative trade route to Asia, and believed they landed in the Indian subcontinent. The Europeans later took gold and silver from the New World to buy and trade goods with China.
A rise in currency will reduce exports because the exporters will find it expensive and vice versa