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The numeral system or decimal system is of Hindu-Arabic origin.

Aryabhatta and Brahmagupta had developed decimal number system and four fundamental operations.

The real impact of Brahmagupta's discoveries was felt in the Islamic world, where King Khalif Abbasid al-Mansoor (712 - 775) invited the Ujjain scholar Kanka to lecture on Brahmagupta's applications of mathematics to astronomy. The king ordered Brahmagupta's writings translated into Arabic in 771, and they had a major impact on subsequent writers in the Arab world, including al-Khwarizmi, the "father of algebra."

The mathematical thought of medieval and early modern Europe was influenced by this Arabic models
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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

Most historians agree that numbers were first invented prehistory in India.

AnswerWe are so accustomed with seeing the perfect circle, the zero that we cannot imagine it had to be invented. In fact, the invention of zero was a real revolution.

In Babylon (modern Iraq), Arabs had invented the "zero" during the 4th century BC. But their numbering system was not transmitted to other people because of its peculiarity: the first group (that of the units) was not made of 10, but 60 figures. That corresponded to our system of time counting: one minute has 60 seconds, one hour has 60 minutes

There were also Arabs, that used the zero as we know today, between words. to make sure you understood that the space was really empty there, they put a little raised dot. Well dots are easy to miss, so to make it a little blacker, the scribe would wiggle his pen around a little, which sometimes left a little hole in the middle of a small circle.

So we see that the Arabs used the function of the zero that we know today (to show there is empt space), but they did not say it was a number.

One century after the Mayans, around the year 600 AD, Hindu savants invented too the figure "zero". They also invented the position numbering. Arabs learned this figure system from India. They even called them "Indian figures". During the 10th century, these numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9), slightly changed, were taken over by the Europeans from the Arabs, like many other important items.

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