the strongest is coke, because it has the most chemicals. this is not the real answer...
triangle is the strongest polygon
It depends on what you mean by "strongest".Strongest by military? Diplomacy? Trade? Economy?The strongest military country is China.The strongest diplomatic country is the United Kingdom.The strongest trade country is a tie between the United Kingdom and Canada.The strongest economical country is the United States.The strongest sporting country is Australia.The strongest illegal exports country is Afghanistan.The strongest eco-friendly country is a tie between Norway, United Kingdom and Germany.The strongest precious stones producing country is Columbia.The strongest educational country is South Korea.The strongest scientific country is Finland.The strongest freedom and equality country is a tie between Iceland and Norway.The strongest peaceful country is Iceland.The strongest agricultural country is India.The strongest recycling country is Israel.The strongest technologically advanced country is Japan.The strongest corrupt country is North Korea.The strongest country by income and finance is Monaco.The strongest country by gas production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by oil production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by diamond production/ownership is Russia.The strongest country by size is Russia.The strongest country by air-force is a tie between United States, United Kingdom and Russia.The strongest country by navy is a tie between the United Kingdom and China.The strongest country by land army is China.The strongest country by motor army is China.The strongest country by warheads (missiles) is a draw between China, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, North Korea and France.
xanax....but clonazepam is strongest in canada
the strongest figure is Joe Zombie
The strongest villan in the world is Zurafa.
bounty the strongest
it has the most sugar of any US soda i have seen if that is what you are asking
the strongest is brawny
the strongest paper towel brand is Kleenex and viva..
No the brand of the soda does not have any affect over the speed of how fast a soda goes flat.
I was doing this as an experiment - Viva is the strongest Bounty is second
the best soda brand is Coke Cola it the bomb like tic tic.
the one i have
The first brand of soda was Dr Pepper, which was created in the 1880s by pharmacist Charles Alderton in Waco, Texas.