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More complicated polygons.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Q: Which can be constructed from polygons alone?
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Using the piling method what can be constructed from polygons alone?

pyramid (not including the vertex) Prism

Can all polygons be constructed from the same segment?

No. Only regular polygons can be constructed from the same segment.

When a polygon can be constructed by using a combination if other polygons its called?

Since any polygon can be constructed from a combination of other polygons, I would call this rule a "trivial property of polygons".

Which figure is not completely constructed from polygons?


What figure is not completely constructed from polygons?

A circle

Polygons which can be constructed entirely from the repetition of a single length of line segment are called regular polygons?

This is true.

What can be constructed from a polygon alone and discs alone?

A stack of identical polygons will make a prism.A stack of polygons which gradually become smaller will make a pyramidal frustum.If the stack continues until the polygon becomes infinitesimally small, then they will make a pyramid.Under the same conditions, discs will make a cylinder, conic frustum and cone, respectively.

All polygons can be constructed entirely from the repetition of a single length of line segment?

This is false. The statement would be true for regular polygons, but not all polygons are regular.

Regular polygons can be constructed entirely from the repetition of a single length of line segment?


Is true that all polygons can be constructed entirely from the repetition of a single length of line segment?


What is the cost of intersecting two convex polygons?

For two polygons P and Q having n and m vertices each, the brute force algorithm takes O(nm). Toussaint constructed a O(n+m) algorithm.

Is cube can be constructed from discs alone?

a cone (not including the vertex) and a cylinder