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Great Basin Aquifer

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Q: Which is the largest groundwater deposit in the world?
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The largest deposit for chromite is located in South Africa, specifically in the Bushveld Igneous Complex. This region contains the world's largest reserves of chromite ore.

Which state has the largest gypsum deposit in the world?

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Where is the largest deposit of mica in the world?

The largest deposit of mica in the world is found in India, specifically in the states of Jharkhand and Bihar. These regions are known for their extensive reserves of high-quality mica.

Where is the largest sulfur deposit found?

The largest sulfur deposit is located at the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia. It is one of the largest oil fields in the world and contains significant sulfur reserves as well.

What is the largest use of groundwater?

The largest use of groundwater is for agricultural irrigation, accounting for the majority of global groundwater withdrawals. Groundwater is essential for maintaining crop production in regions where surface water is limited or unreliable.

What is the Largest petroleum deposit in the world?

The Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia is considered the largest petroleum deposit in the world. It is estimated to contain around 75-83 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

Which is earths largest source of drinkable water?

The largest source of drinkable water on Earth is groundwater. Groundwater is found beneath the Earth's surface in aquifers and provides water for drinking, agriculture, and industry. It is a vital resource for many regions around the world.

What is Europe's largest deposit for oil?

The largest deposit for oil in Europe is located in Russia.

Which state in India has the world's largest deposit of thorium?

Kerala, a state in southern India, is known to have the world's largest deposit of thorium. Its monazite sands contain significant amounts of thorium, a valuable radioactive mineral used in nuclear technology.

What is unique about the oil deposits in the province of Alberta?

Alberta has the world's largest oil sands deposit.

Where is the largest diamond deposit in the world?

The largest diamond deposit in the world is in Russia, specifically in the Yakutia region. The Mir Diamond Mine and the Udachnaya Pipe are two of the most well-known diamond mines in this region and have produced some of the world's largest and highest quality diamonds.