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evaporation and freezing of sea water

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Q: Which pair of factors would cause salinity to increase?
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Are parents the root cause of juvenile delinquency?

I would not say that they are the absolute single ROOT cause of delinquency but they are certainly among the chief contributing factors.

When two factors are correlated a cause and effect relationship exists between the factors?

Nope, correlation simply links two factors together, while a cause and effect relationship finds that one factor causes change in the other. Generally, cause and effect is harder to establish and requires more clinical rigour (eg. with experiments).

What is the connection between density and salinity?

I think that as the salinity increases, density increses. The minerals that contribute to the salinity of sater, such as sodium and chloride, are denser that water. Thus, when the dense particles are added, the density of the water increases I think that as the salinity increases, density increses. The minerals that contribute to the salinity of sater, such as sodium and chloride, are denser that water. Thus, when the dense particles are added, the density of the water increases

What do factors and non factors have in common?

An intriguing question. On the surface, it would seem that a thing and its opposite would not have anything in common but in mathematics, both factors and non-factors are numbers.

What are the factors of 21 28 and 15?

Factors are those numbers which can be evenly divided into a number. The factors of 21 would be 1, 3, 7, 21 The factors of 28 would be 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28 The factors of 15 would be 1, 3, 5, 15

Related questions

What will happen to salinity if the depth of the ocean increases?

There are a number of things that could happen to the salinity of an ocean if it's depth increased. The salinity would likely also increase.

If salinity increases what would the water near the poles do?

increase in density, so it would sink more rapidly plato;)

What would increase the salinity of sea water?

Decreasing the temperature, evaporating water, or adding more salt.

Which of the following causes the density of seawater to increase?

Seawater denssity will increase as salinity increases. A less significant increase can result from temperature variations (colder is denser until freezing starts). Even smaller changes would occur with depth as the seawater is slightly compressible. As density is measured as mass/unit volume local gravity does not enter into the process.

Would salinity increase or decrease in an estuary during spring floods?

Salinity would decrease in an estuary during spring floods due to the influx of freshwater from increased runoff and precipitation. The dilution effect of the additional freshwater entering the estuary would lower the overall salinity levels.

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Indicate factors that would cause you to not use a website.

Is salinity a biotic factor?

No, salinity would be abiotic.

Would an increase in contractility cause an increase to cardiac output?

Yes - an increase in contractility would lead to an increase in stroke volume. An increased stroke volume would cause an increased cardiac output.

What are the abiotic factors in an aquatic ecosystem?

Abiotic factors in an aquatic ecosystem include sunlight, temperature, water flow, dissolved oxygen levels, pH, salinity, and nutrient availability. These factors play a crucial role in shaping the characteristics and functions of the ecosystem and influencing the distribution and abundance of aquatic organisms.

What factor would cause a mutation that would cause an allele frequency to increase?

An increase in allele frequency can occur due to factors such as genetic drift, gene flow from other populations, natural selection favoring that allele, or a genetic mutation that confers a selective advantage.

If natality equal to mortality what would cause the population to increase?

Immigration could cause the population to increase.

What would cause entropy cause in a reaction?

The products becoming more spread out.