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Q: Which placements would give the greatest emphasis to a fact?
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How do you spell emphasis?

Emphasis is, in fact, the correct spelling.

What is greatest exponent?

considering the fact that numbers go on forever, i do not think there would be a greatest opponent

What was the greatest fear of the cold war?

technically there is no answer for that because that would be an opinion and not a fact so no proven answer

What is the different meaning between emphasis and stress?

Emphasis is to show the importance of a fact. Stress is to forcefully try hard to show the importance.

What is Darwins greatest scientific contribution?

Charles Darwin's greatest scientific contribution is his work on the Theory of Evolution. Without it, the fact that plants and animals evolved from its ancestors would not have been discovered.

What is a french word of emphasis?

If you were to use the word tres as in 'tres beau' or 'really good' (tres means really) you would be emphasizing the fact that something is good.

Is it correct if someone uses the word emphasis for instance in a sentence like 'she makes emphasis in the fact that partly she agrees with you but partly she differs she differs in opinion'?

It's not a good sentence. It would be better to say 'she emphasises the fact that she sometimes agrees and sometimes disagrees with you'. (If that's what you mean! It's not easy to tell exactly what you are trying to say).

Is this fact or opinion Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time?

it is a fact

What is the greatest common factor of 13 and 21?

1 No # can be divided into 13 evenly except 1 so the greatest common fact ( GCF ) would be 1.It is: 1

What is a fact about US?

greatest country in the world.

Greatest common fact for 7 and 28?

The greatest common factor for 7 and 28 is 7

What was the greatest fact of George III?

he was a king of Britain.