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Canada generates a great deal of electricity. It also has oil, natural gas and coal.

  1. Renewable energy (from the sun, wood, hydroelectricity, wind etc)
  2. Fossil fuels (Coal, Gas, Oil, Tar sands etc).
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Q: Which two fuels provide about one half of all the energy used in Canada?
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What two fuels provide half of the energy used in Canada?

gas and oil

What combination of energy provide about half of the total energy for the united states?

Electric power energy provides about half of the total energy of the United States.

What two fuels provides about one half of all energy used in Canada?

Three possibilities: Petroleum (23%) + Natural Gas (30%) = 53% or Natural Gas (30%) + Uranium (nuclear energy) (33%) = 63% or Petroleum (23%) + Uranium (33%) = 56% A forth is possible if you consider: Uranium (33%) + Renewable energy (8%) = 41%

How many fossil fuels is there?

6 and half

Is the source of almost half of all renewable energy in the US?

No, although we have more wind farms then anywhere else on the planet. Wind will never replace fossil fuels because they are extremely inefficient and fossil fuel plants are required to provide makeup for wind when the winds varies.

What does Alternative energy cannot effectively replace fossil fuels mean?

It means there is no alternative energy source that can ween humanity off of fossil fuels. Which is presently true, however, given almost every developed nation is pooling their resources to replace fossil fuels, that isn't a timeless answer. Before the latter half of this century, gasoline and every other form, will or begin to exist only in history.

How do fuels release their stored energy?

It depends on the fuel. Uranium would be able to produce nuclear energy and ultimately electrical energy. Natural gas can be burned to produce heat and also electricty. Coal and Petroleum products likewise.

How does solar energy help the earth?

solar energy provides a heat source for all living things on earth. we also transfer solar heat into electricity and other types of energy, using solar panels. however, only a portion of the suns energy makes it to earths surface because the ionosphere reflects some of the rays back into space. only half of the incoming ratiation from the sun makes it to the earths surface.

How hot was it when fossil fuels were formed?

It is half the hot of the sun

What did the british north American act accomplish?

It divided Canada in half, Upper and Lower Canada.

Do fats contain large amounts of energy per gram?

Fats provide a form of store energy. Fats can provide more than half the energy that the body needs and twice as much as than carbohydrates

Why should you look for a alternative way to obtain energy?

Because the cheap way - burning fossil fuel - has already used up more than half of all the fossil fuels that exist on this planet.