HCF of 3 means the numbers both have a prime factor of 3. LCM of 12 means that, between the numbers, there are factors of 2, 2 and 3. But these 2s cannot be shared, else the HCF would be greater. Therefore, the numbers will need to be 3 and 2x2x3, or 12.
The LCM is the higher number. The LCM of 9 and 18 is 18.
The LCM of 54 and 24 is 216.The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 54 24 is 216factoring24=2*2*2*354=2*3*3*3so LCM =2*2*2*3*3*3=216
The LCM is 18.
To find the HCF you first need to express the numbers as products of their prime factors. In this case we have: 18 = 2x3x3 70 = 2x5x7 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case, both numbers have a 2 as a prime factor. Thus the HCF is 2. To find the LCM, you simply multiply the numbers together and divide by the hcf: 18x70/2 = 630 So the LCM is 360.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
18 and 3
3 and 18
12 and 18
They are 9 and 6
6 and 36 12 and 18
3 and 18 6 and 9
6 and 36 12 and 18
3 and 18 do.
HCF = 3... LCM = 18 !
Factors: 15 = 3 x 5, 18 = 2 x 3 x 3. The LCM of two numbers = their product divided by their HCF. In this instance the product is 270 and the HCF is 3 so the LCM is 90.
LCM=18=2*32 HCF(guess that is what u meant, highest common factor)=3 Possibilities: 3 and 18, 6 and 9, three or all of the numbers together. Note: 3 and 6 gives a LCM of 6 3 and 9 gives a LCM of 9 6 and 18 gives a HCF of 6 9 and 18 gives a HCF of 9 Three or four out of the numbers (3,6,9 and 18) will give you LCM of 18 and HCF of 3 as well.
LCM is Least Common Multiple of 2 or more numbers. So, LCM of 1 number i.e. 18 is not defined. Similarly, HCF is Highest Common Factor of 2 or more numbers. So, HCF of 1 number i.e. 3 is not defined.