glameow is well better. here is a good move set
shadow claw
iron tail
shadow ball
Glameow evolves into Purugly at level 38. If you don't want it to evolve give it an ever stone.
The honey tree where you find aipom is located beside Sunyshore city.
Ash's Aipom is with Dawn because everybody knows that ash and dawn traded aipom and buizel. Dawns Aipom evolved into Ambipom not long after the trade and she left Ambipom in training in glactic battles and later on dawn then catches a swinub.
Glameow is only available in Pearl, on routes 218 (15% rate) and 222 (20% rate)If you have Diamond, you can trade a Stunky for glameow via Wi-fi (because that's how people usually trade them)
No, not all Glameow are female. There is a 75% chance of Glameow being female and a 25% chance of Glameow being male.
Totodile. Think Feraligator then u know
no you can not glameow and misdrevus is on pearl sorry!
you get glameow on route 222
Glameow is a Normal type pokemon.
how to catch the aipom
i dont think u can get glameow sorry
Ambipom cannot learn Fake Out by itself, however it can learn it through breeding. Simply breed a female Ambipom or Aipom with a male of the following Pokémon: Meowth, Persian, Nuzleaf, Skitty, Delcatty, Glameow, Purugly, Purrloin, Liepard, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Espurr and Meowstic. The hatched Aipom should have the move Fake Out and maybe another move or two as well.
To get Glameow on Pokemon Platinum you will need to trade for one from Pokemon Pearl. In Pokemon Pearl Glameow appears on Routes 218 and 222.
Glameow cannot be caught in Pokemon Diamond. This kitty pokemon can be found in Pokemon Pearl on route 218 and 228. Glameow can be traded to Diamond from Pearl.
put honey on a tree for aipom but for ambipom evolve aipom
Glameow is #431 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.