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As there is no record of the weight of every nine year old in the world it is impossible to say.

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Virtual worlds for 9 year olds?

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How old is a 9 year old?

9 years old. A 9 year old on his birthday is approximately 3,288 days old.

Can you date a 9 year old?

NO. A 9 year old is too young to date.

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if you want to. its not illegal

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I think that a 9-year old can read Twilight. However, Breaking Dawn is a bit inappropriate for a 9-year-old. I think that a 9-year old can read Twilight. However, Breaking Dawn is a bit inappropriate for a 9-year-old.

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If the 9 year old was very good or if Messi slipped or if he deliberately let him, then the 9 year old could take the ball off him. Realistically, a 9 year old would not get the ball from Messi.

Who is the smartest child in the world?

Ainan Cawley, a 9-year-old Singaporean boy

How many meals is 9 year old supposed to eat?

depends on the appetite of the 9 year old

What is a good weight for a 9 year old boy?

a good weight for a 9 year old is 35