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mahamad maxood khan langove

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Q: Who is the richest person of balochistan?
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well, Carlos Slim, is the most richest person of the world until yet and i guess nobody knows how long he will be the richest.

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the richest person in Madagascar are Jimmy ,Iky and Markus

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The richest person in Botswana .This is difficult to answer, modesty at its best.

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balochistan is

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Cfrick is the richest person nicktropolis she has over 2,000,000,000 nickpoints. And Starjewel4 is the second richest person with over 400,000 nickpoints. He used to own a Nicktropolis army. lildele619 is the third richest person with 1000,000

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The aid to Pakistan consortium meet every year?

They used to, but after exploring gold, oil, diamond,coal reserves from balochistan range they have emerged as the richest and powerful economies in the world.

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