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Q: Who is the strongest trainer on Pokemon platnium?
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yes, on the snowy route

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a skier in snowpoint mountain has one

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Gardevoir isn't in Platinum as far as I know.

What trainer has a lopunny in Pokemon platnium?

Ace Trainer Shannon on route 221 has a Lopunny, inside the grass to the east

Who is the strongest Pokemon trainer in Pokemon fire red?

Your Rival

What trainer has hippopatos on Pokemon platnium?

I'm sure the second person in the Pokemon ledge the second person has one.

Who is the strongest Pokemon trainer in anime?

Synthia is because she is the Pokemon champion.

Who is the strongest Pokemon trainer in the movie?

kanye west or.... your mom

Who is the strongest trainer in Pokemon Emerald and Platinum?

The Frontier Brains and the Champions.

Who is the strongest Pokemon trainer in games ever?

The strongest Pokemon trainer is definitely trainer Red from Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold. All his pokemons are above level 80, way stronger than Steven from Emerald, and Blue from Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red. Amanzio from Pokemon White/Black wifi.

Where is the ultimate trainer in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The strongest trainer in the game besides the one's in trainer tower is your rival is the current champion of the Pokemon league if you defeat the elite four you have the opportunity to defeat him.