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Galileo Galilei

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Nicolaus Copernicus - 1473-1543

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Galileo G. Galilei

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Q: Who was convicted of heresy for supporting the sun centered view of the solar system?
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When did the model of the solar system have sugested the sun in the middle of it?

The ancient Greek, Aristarchus, first suggested the sun-centered system. However, his teachings were largely ignored - perhaps because Aristotle, the teacher of Alexander the Great, favored an Earth-centered system. Copernicus, in 1543, published a book on his deathbed supporting the sun-centered theory. "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs" contradicted the teachings of the church and literally "revolutionized" our view of the world.

Why did Galileo's heliocentric theory cause controversy during the scientific revolution?

The Roman Catholic Church, which was politically powerful at the time, espoused the tenet that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo's promotion of the Copernican solar system caused him to be convicted of heresy.

Who changed the idea of the earth centered solar system to a sun centered solar system?


Which scientist proposed the idea of a sun centered solar system in stead of an earth centered solar system?


Which scientist proposed the idea of sun-centered solar system instead of an earth-centered solar system?


Can you get your record clean in a different state then the one you were convicted in?

Not unless you petition the court system of the County or State in which you were convicted. Only the court system that convicted you has that prerogative.

What twentieth century presidency transformed the American system of government from a congress centered to a president centered system?

That of Theodore Roosevelt.

What is the sun centered?

The solar system.

When was Galileo exiled?

Galileo was exiled in 1633 after he was found guilty of heresy by the Roman Catholic Church for supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system, which challenged the geocentric views of the Church at that time. He spent the remainder of his life under house arrest in Italy.

How can there be an earth centered solar system?

There can't.

What crime was heresy?

Heresy is dissension or proposing an alternative view to the one decreed and imposed by the authorities of the day. Heresy is proposing some unorthodox change to an established system of belief, especially a religion , that conflicts with the previously established opinion of scholars of that belief such as canon.

Why did Galileo's heliocentric theory cause great controversy during the Scientific Revolution?

it proposed ideas that were contrary to religious teachings