

Best Answer

That would be Omar al-Bashir, he was charged with genocide.

AnswerAssuming you define "powerful" as "ruling over the most people" or as "militarily stong", then there are three metrics to measure this by: (a) ruled the largest percentage of the people then on the earth, (b) ruled the absolute largest number of people, or (c) controlled the most powerful country

Probably the most powerful dictator in terms of (a) would have been the Mongol Khans during the Mongol Empire. Specifically, Ogedei Khan, presiding over the Mongol Empire 1229-1241. During this period, the Mongol Empire covered about 20% of the world's landmass and about 40% of the world's population.

As far as (b) goes, I would currently vote for Josef Stalin, presiding over the USSR of 250 million people. Subsequent USSR leaders could not be classified as dictators, as they ruled only through consensus of the Politburo. Similarly, I would not classify Mao Tse-tung as a true dictator, as people have consistently underestimated the extent to which Communist China is run by the Communist Party bureaucracy, and not single individuals.

For (c), Ogedei Khan wins again, as the Mongol Hordes were by far the most formidable fighting force of the time (and, relatively speaking, no country since has had such an imbalance of fighting power). In modern times, Stalin wins handily over Mao, as the USSR under Stalin was significantly more powerful than China under Mao.

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adolf Hitler

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I would say the empire of rome

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Q: Who was the biggest dictator?
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