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Q: Who was the oldest muskateer?
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Who was the third muskateer?

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What is a muskateer?

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Can you trade the muskateer trio in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Probably NOT as the muskateer pokemon are from the 5th generation while soulsilver only goes up to 4th gen pokemon. Also u can't trade from black/white back to soulsilver only the the other way around (SS to B/W).

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It means you are blissful (or happy) without care.

What religion is the oldest and third oldest?

Hinduism is the Oldest, and Zoroastrianism is the third oldest.

Was martin Luther king the oldest child in his family?

No. The oldest was christine. He was the second oldest of four

What is the oldest profession in the world?

The oldest is prostitution, the second oldest is spying.

Is Hamilton the oldest city in Ontario Or second oldest?

Hamilton is the oldest

Is the word oldest a verb?

Oldest is an adjective; for example: the oldest man