We can't answer this accurately if you don't tell us the indicated value.
3, 6 and 9 have a GCF of 3.
16 and 24
6 and 126 and 1812 and 18
Finding the GCF will help you to simplify fractions.
Finding the LCM will help you add and subtract fractions. Finding the GCF will help you reduce fractions.
15, 30, 45 and 60
18 36 and the last one 54
16, 32 and 48
There are an infinite number of triplets, one such being (14, 28 and 42).
3, 6 and 9 have a GCF of 3.
There are infinitely many possible answers.
It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. The greatest common factor (GCF) refers to a factor that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question!
The GCF of 6 and 10 is 2.
20 and 100.GCF is 20, and LCM is 100.
22 and 44 have a GCF of 22.
There are an infinite number of triplets whose GCF is 16. One possibility is 16, 32 and 48.