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Q: Two factors that can lead to stimulus adaptation?
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There are two possible factors that lead to software reload: The software may have encountered a problem or a recently added application may have exceeded the amount of allowed user data.

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Assimilation and accomodation are involved in adaptation.

Negative conditioned reflexes or inhibition of conditioned reflexes?

The established conditioned reflexes can be inhibited by some factors. The inhibition is of two types. External or indirect inhibition Internal or direct inhibition External or indirect inhibitionThe established conditioned reflex is inhibited by some form of stimulus, which is quite different from the conditioned stimulus. It is not related to conditioned stimulus. For example, some disturbing factors like sudden entrance of a stranger, sudden noise, or a strong smell can abolish the conditioned reflex and inhibit salivary secretion. The extra stimulus evokes the animal's curiosity and distracts the attention. According to Pavlov, this evokes an investigatory reflex. If the extra (inhibitory) stimulus is repeated for some time, its inhibitory effect gets weakened or abolished. Internal or direct inhibition There are four ways in which, the established conditioned reflex is abolished by direct or internal factors, which are related to the conditioned stimulus.

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A sentence with adaptation in it?

An adaptation is an adjustment to a situation. Two related words to adaptation are transformation and modification. "Working the graveyard shift required an adaptation in my sleeping schedule."

What way can classical conditioning to be most effective and long lasting?

When the conditioned stimulus isn't repeated constantly, it must be consistent but not too often. Also, the timing or sequence of the stimulus should be consistent, that is if for a conditioned response to occur a conditioned stimulus was applied within 2 seconds, it should always be applied within that 2 second window. So, to summarize, timing and consistency are the two factors for that should be satisfied for a classical conditioning to be effctive and long lasting.

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There are no "the two" factors. 2 and 4 are two factors.

What is economic of sales?

Economies of scale are factors which cause the average cost of production to decrease as the volume of its output is increased. It has two types: the internal and external factors.