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Q: A unit used to express the exposure an individual receives is the?
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A unit used to express the exposure of radiation an individual receives is the?


What unit is used to express power?

The unit to express power is YOUR MOMMA

What is the unit to express power is the?

the unit used to express power is time

What are unit conversions for?

Unit conversions express an amount in a different unit

What is cardinalist school of thought?

The Cardinalist school asserts that utility can be measured and quantified. It means, it is possible to express utility that an individual derives from consuming a unit of good.

What are units conversions used for?

Unit conversions express an amount in a different unit.

What unit is used to express the pull of gravity?

The unit used to express the pull of gravity is the newton (N).

What does a unit refers to in an apartment?

a unit is the individual dwelling. each individual address is a separate unit. hope this helps!

What unit would you use to express a pool?

The local currency unit.

What does a cellular phone transceiver unit do?

receives and transmits signals

What unit is used to express amount of thermal energy?

The unit used to express the amount of thermal energy is the joule, which is also the standard unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI).

What is the significance of the ku unit in the measurement of radiation exposure?

The ku unit is significant in measuring radiation exposure because it quantifies the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in human tissue. This unit helps assess the potential health risks associated with exposure to radiation, such as cancer and other harmful effects.