There are 88 keys on a piano keyboard. A continuous variable can assume an uncountable (infinite) number of values in such a way that between any two values there are always infinitely more.
There are 88 keys on a piano (52 white keys and 36 black keys).
A normal piano has 88 keys. A "Cottage piano" has 64 keys. The 7'4'' Bosendorfer has 92 keys. The 9'6'' Bosendorfer has 97 keys. Standard pianos have 88 keys.
36 black keys are on a piano.
On a standard upright or grand piano, there are 88 keys.
88 KEYS on a Piano
A random variable such as the number of keys on each student's key chain is discrete because you can list the possible values it can assume. If it was continuous one would not be list a continuous random variable because it would be impossible. The keys on the key chains would be discrete.
There are 88 keys on a piano (52 white keys and 36 black keys).
88 Piano Keys
There are 88 keys on a piano.
A normal piano has 88 keys. A "Cottage piano" has 64 keys. The 7'4'' Bosendorfer has 92 keys. The 9'6'' Bosendorfer has 97 keys. Standard pianos have 88 keys.
36 black keys are on a piano.
On a standard upright or grand piano, there are 88 keys.
88 KEYS on a Piano
something about 88 piano keys
88 keys
The average number of keys on a piano is 88.
This is a series of videos that explain piano keys