Music is all about math, mainly fractions. You have to know how to use fractions and divide them up between a measure. For example, say you are in 4/4 and there are four counts. You have to put exactally the number of counts in. You could put in a quarter note, which takes up a quarter of the measure or one count. Then you could put in a dotted quarter note which takes up a count and a half. Then an eighth note, which is a half a count. Then to end it a quarter rest, which is one count.
if you add all the fractions together (1/4, 3/8. 1/8, and 1/4) It all adds up to 1 (measure)
there is counting which is the beat you have to keep in time
Also, if you ever get close enough to music to see it or hear it discussed,
you'll hear a lot about whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes,
sixteenth notes, thirty-second notes, and sixty-fourth notes, and you'll find
that violins, banjos, and some guitar strings are tuned in perfect fifths.
Here are some interesting facts. From one octave to the next - for example, from one C to the next C (or from one Do to the next Do, as it is called in certain countries) the vibrations per second increase exactly by a factor of 2. The human ear can hear sounds between about 20 and 20,000 vibrations per second; that makes for a range of about 10 octaves.
Each octave is divided into 12 equal parts (half-tones); from each half-tone to the next, the ratio of vibrations per second is the 12th. root of 2, or 21/12.
MAth is music, music is math: they both have counting, fractions(4/4 time,or meter), and numbers in them-I like to call music the sounds or the soundings of Math(ematics)
For the most part, if one wants to get a great grip on music, understanding the mathematical concepts of it will make the musical concepts a piece of cake-in a deep manor, to understand Music Theory, you need to understand its mathematics to a massively extreme extent(you cant really understand music, until you can understand its math)-music is more mathematical than music itself-Again, i like to call music: the sounds of math, or/and the equation of music-the notation themselves are symbols of mathematics
Hope this helps-to get more info on this i insist in drum instructer
Read more: How_is_math_related_to_music
We use math in our everyday lives even when were just counting fruit we have math so when u get a job you might need to know how to do math. We use math everyday but you may not realize it!!!! If we didn't have math we would be no where on this world we use it every single day in our lives!
Musician Musician Musician
Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin
the musician nooldes is from what group
No, musician is a noun there is no verb form of music.
Math is used in most every line of work. Being a musician, I use math all the time - note values, time signatures, etc. Hard to think of any occupation that doesn't use math in one form or another.
If you are into MIDI composing the code used is quite mathematical. Otherwise you will not be likely to use math on the job. However, a musician has to live in the world. He has to figure his income taxes, make wise financial decisions, deal with loans, credit cards. foreign exchange rates, investments, and so forth. If you can not understand basic math you will always be at the mercy of those who do. Math is also an enjoyable pastime for many people and there is a mysterious connection between music and math. Many mathematicians are excellent amateur musicians .
The musician played the piano beautifully at the concert.
Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!
they use science, engineering, and math to solve math problems for businesses.
Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.
use math to find the answer
everyday they use math
Some musicians do not.
yes, we have to use math for science if we don;t know math we can't do science
math manic
They use math in weight conversions and measurements.