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Usually it is burned.

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Q: How is coal transformed into energy?
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What form of energy does coal make?

Energy cannot be 'made' or 'destroyed'. It can simply be transformed to a different type of energy. Coal contains chemical energy, which will for example, be converted to heat energy in say a coal fired industrial boiler.

How is energy transformed in a coal burning power plant?

The energy in coal is stored as chemical potential energy.When the coal is burned, this chemical energy is converted to heat. The boiler converts this thermal energy into pressure of the steam.The pressure energy in the steam is then converted into rotating mechanical energy using the turbine. As the turbine spins the generator, the generator converts this into electrical energy.

When coal is burned is matter transformed increased decreased or destroyed?

is it transformed?

Is a burning match potential energy?

Burning coal has chemical potential energy, because the energy is stored up in the bonds between the carbon molecules, and when the coal is burned, the stored energy is released and transformed into heat, light, and even sometimes sound energy.

Can energy be transformed?

Energy can be transformed into different ways of energy.

How electrical energy can be transformed?

it can be transformed into thermal energy

How is solar transformed into energy?

Solar energy is, by definition, energy. It is not transformed into it. It is it.

How is energy transformed into electrical energy?

it can transformed by fuels

How can energy be transformed from one form to another?

In many ways. For hence, the sun; radiant energy, can be turned to plants; chemical energy. Or electrical energy by solar panels. Coal can become electrical energy, which could be used by a fan.

How sun is ultimate source of energy source for coal?

We are pretty sure that coal formed from layers of plant matter accumulating at the bottom of a body of water, then being deeply buried under sediment and rock and eventually compressed and transformed by the heat and pressure into coal. The plants that eventually became coal derived their energy from the sun while they were living - just as plants do now - so the sun is the original source of the energy you get from coal.

How is energy transformed in a machine?

Its transformed into work!

Is energy transformed or created?

It is transformed I think