

Best Answer

05 REM BASIC code

10 CLS: G$ = "a b c d e "

20 FOR N = 0 to 8 STEP 2

30 PRINT MID$(G$, 1, 10 - N); : PRINT


50 PRINT: PRINT "Bowie, Zatman, that was fun!"



// PHP code

$parts = array();

for($n = ord('f'); $n > ord('a'); $n--){

for($m = ord('a'); $m < $n; $m++){

$parts[] = chr($m);



echo implode(' ', $parts) . "\n";

/* C code */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

int n, m;

n = 5;

while(n > 1){

for(m = (int)'a'; m < (int)'a' + n; m++){

printf("%c ", (char)m);




return 0;


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Q: How write the given program a b c d e a b c d a b c a b a?
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