positive uses could be communication,
Radio waves aren't harmful at its usual pattern of operation. They are harmful only when a strong signal is close to a person. It can cause cancer and other problems. Radio waves may also cure. All waves have different results.
Light waves do diffract, but the effect is very very small. In general diffraction effects are important when the object interacting with the wave has dimensions that are comparable to the wavelength of the wave. Light waves have much shorter wavelength compared to the radio waves. Hence the effect. (It should also be noted that radio waves penetrate buildings much better than light waves, but that leads to a more nuanced discussion of diffraction effects.)
no, mechanical waves are not radio waves
Radio waves ARE electromagnetic waves.
Radio waves are electromagnetic waves. The radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. A radio wave has a much longer wavelength than does visible light. We use radio waves extensively for communications.
Waves can have both positive and negative effects on people. Positive effects include providing relaxation through the sound of crashing waves, and opportunities for recreational activities like surfing and swimming. However, waves can also be dangerous, causing hazards such as rip currents, flooding, and erosion.
i think its very essential to believe in god. god is a positive word created by us in a positive stream of life. whenever we think or pray god we emmit positive waves from our body. these waves float in the atmosphere and effects each and every creature of the universe, these waves reduces the negative waves from the universe.
you can get radiation poisoning and cancer from radiation
Prolonged exposure to radio waves can lead to health issues such as headaches, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Additionally, there is ongoing research to determine if radio waves may have long-term effects on human health, such as an increased risk of cancer.
Radio waves aren't harmful at its usual pattern of operation. They are harmful only when a strong signal is close to a person. It can cause cancer and other problems. Radio waves may also cure. All waves have different results.
Light waves do diffract, but the effect is very very small. In general diffraction effects are important when the object interacting with the wave has dimensions that are comparable to the wavelength of the wave. Light waves have much shorter wavelength compared to the radio waves. Hence the effect. (It should also be noted that radio waves penetrate buildings much better than light waves, but that leads to a more nuanced discussion of diffraction effects.)
Radio waves can be affected by interference from other devices and obstacles like buildings, leading to signal disruptions. They can also be limited in range and penetration through certain materials, impacting their reach and reliability for communication. Additionally, radio waves can be susceptible to security risks, such as eavesdropping and hacking.
no, mechanical waves are not radio waves
Radio waves ARE electromagnetic waves.
Radio waves are transverse waves. This means that the oscillations of the waves are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.
No. Radar waves are one category of radio waves. Think of all the radio waves that are all around you right now . . . AM radio, FM radio, police and fire radio, highway patrol radio, taxi radio, television picture and sound radio waves, cellphone radio waves, garage-door-opener radio waves, bluetooth radio waves, WiFi waves, microwaves ... and you can't see any of them ! Radar waves can easily be there in the group.