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walruses have 2 large tusks

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Q: What do walruses look like?
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What walruses look like?

walruses have 2 large tusks

What are Walruses?

Walruses look like huge seals but have long whiskers and big tusks.

How do walruses look like?

brown with long tusks

What do walruses smell like?

Walruses smell like old fish mixed with seawater, not that you'd want to smell one :)

How do walruses get food?

walruses get their food by rushing in the water quickly and opening their mouths like whales.

How walruses get their food?

Walruses get their food by waddling around like penguins, sticking out their tusks, and saying "COME TO MAMA!"

How do walruses get their food?

Walruses get their food by waddling around like penguins, sticking out their tusks, and saying "COME TO MAMA!"

Are walruses slimy?

no but they like to sit on each other

Are there any seal like creatures with large tusks?


Do walruses live in Antarctic?

yes because they like the cold

What is the collective noun for walrus?

The collective nouns are a herd of walruses, a huddle of walruses, a pod of walruses.

How does walruses reproduce?

Like the majority of animals. But they give birth in the water.