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A 115 volt plug is probably the most common plug seen in America. These plugs are characteristically seen with two rectangles and a small half circle in between and below them. The shapes look like a surprised face.

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What does a 115v look like?

A 115 volt plug is probably the most common plug seen in America. These plugs are characteristically seen with two rectangles and a small half circle in between and below them. The shapes look like a surprised face.

Can you plug a 115V fan into a 220V outlet?

No. the plug configuration is different, just for that reason so that the two voltages can not be crossed over.

Can you use a 115v in a 110v plug?

Yes, all wall receptacles are rated at 125 or 130 volts.

What do Cyprus plugs look like?

A plug with 3 pins which can be inserted into the original UK plug.

Where is the plug in to plug your van in the winter?

open the hood, look for the extension cord look like, usually it's near on top of the headlights.

Can you plug a 115V appliance into a 110V outlet?

Yes you can safely do this. Most appliances that are marked 115 volts will operate on outlet between 110 and 120 volts safely.

How do you change a four wire plug to a three wire plug?

I need a lot more information. I don't know what you mean by four wire plug. What does it look like, what was it used for? What three wire plug are you installing, what does it look like, what is it used for. What color ore the wires?

What does a 02 sensor look like?

looks like a spark plug with a wire

What is a brake plug look like?

it actually almos looks like a dildo

What does a spark plug tube seal look like?

Most of the time they look like a small rubber o-ring or doughnut.

Can you use a 115 unit in a 230 plug?

No, it is not safe to use a 115V unit in a 230V plug as it may damage the appliance or cause a safety hazard. It is important to match the voltage requirements of the appliance with the power supply to avoid any damage or potential accidents.

What does an o2 sensor look like?

It resembles a spark plug with wires attached.