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A skull cap is a small, circular cap, often with a small bit of cloth in the centre looking like the tip of a beret. If you have seen photographs of the pope lately, he often wears one when in public, if he is not wearing a broad brimmed hat.

Skull Caps are like headwraps you can wear on your head for sleep, shower, athletic training purposes or others. These Skull Caps are high quality, comfortable, lightweight and great headwears during any seasons.

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Kippah is the Hebrew word for skullcap. In fact, Jews do not use the term "skullcap".

What is the definition of the word skullcap?

Skullcap has two word definitions. The word 'skullcap' is defined as a small close-fitting cap without a brim on it. The word 'skullcap' also means the top part of the skull.

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The Latin name of the skullcap plant is Scutellaria lateriflora.

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What is another word for the Jewish skullcap?

It is a kippah or Yarmulke. In fact, nobody uses the term skullcap except non-Jews.

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How did the hooded skull cap plant get its name?

The hooded skullcap plant gets its name from the shape of its flowers, which resemble hoods or caps, and the petals look like the shape of a skull. This unique appearance of the flower is what inspired its name.

What herbal supplements act like opiates?

Lactuca Virosa Commonly Known as "Opium Lettuce", Kratom, Skullcap especially "Dessert Skullcap, and Vervain are all herbs known to have Mild to extreme pain killing effects similar to Popaverium somniferum and other Opium by-products.

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