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Chlorophyll is a green coloring that mostly plants have. Chlorophyll is the reason most plants are green.

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Q: What does chlorophyll look like?
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What color wavelengths of light do chlorophyll appear to look like?

It depends upon the type of chlorophyll. Chorophyll a absorbs light at 680 and 700 nm.

What organelle does photosynthesis in a plant cell and what does it look like?

Chloroplast. It has chlorophyll and it is somthing green and round

How does chlorophyll make a leaf look?

Chlorophyll is green, and it gives leaves the same color.

How can you tell if a cell has chlorophyll?

if organisms contain green color they contain chlorophyll. but some organisms like cyanobacteria they contain chlorophyll but also contain blue pigment. So they look like bluish and also some time redish. The organisms who contain chlorophyll they are autrophic and prepare their own food but some time also become parasitic.

Chlorophyll looks like this?

Because the chloroplasts that make chlorophyll are green.

What would a plant look like if it didn't have enough chlorophyll?

Except green color. Either yellow or reddish....

What causes plants to look green?


How pigments like chlorophyll work?

Yes chlorophyll is a pigment. They are absorbing sunlight.

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Why does chlorophyll make a plant look green?

You may not know it, but sunlight is actually a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow. Chlorophyll absorbs most of colors in light but not green. plants look green because chlorophyll reflects green light.

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If you cut your hand and put it in a bowl of water why does it look like there is a lot of blood?

because of chlorophyll in your veins, also depends on blood sugars