Its about the first murder recorded in history when Cain killed his own brother Able.
Twist of Cain
Twist of Cain
Oliver Twist.
You mean Oliver and Company? Billy Joel.
According to a fan that I know, it is a twist of the fraternity symbol that Petrucci, Myung, and Portnoy had in college.
Twist of Cain
Twist of Cain
Twist of Cain
Twist of Cain and Possession. He isn't credited for contractual reasons.
The phrase, 'I'll raise Cain' means that 'I'll start trouble'.
Causing havoc.
A twist of fate is when something unexpected occurs.
when cartier mean by the land god gave to Cain is that there are people on this coast whose bodies are fairly well formed but they are wild and savage folk.
You mean Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens created him.
It means twist
to get a piece of hair and twist it
garment twist