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It is an information digest.It contains the information about what is happening in Asia and other events related to Asian countries that are going on out side Asia and also news related with sports inside Asia

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Q: What is Asian recorder?
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How do you put grease on a recorder?

You will need recorder grease for a wooden recorder, and recorder cream for a resin/plastic recorder. On either one, use your finger to smear the grease on the joints of the recorder. On a wooden recorder, the joint will be made of cork or string.

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What key is a recorder in?

It depends on what type of recorder you have but, normally there are three parts to a recorder.

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'recorder' in french is 'enregistreur'

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Why do you need a sound recorder?

why do you need a sound recorder

Does a recorder have a low pitch?

the recorder has a high pitch

What is a c on the recorder?

the c on a recorder is the thumbhole only.

How do you care of your recorder?

clean recorder after use and do not bite it

Where do hear the recorder?

in school bands and recorder groups

How do you play ttylxox on the recorder with notes?

ttylxox on the recorder