The personal cell phone and home phone numbers of celebrities,singers, bands, actors, and models are not made available to the general public for privacy and safety concerns.
Nelly is 5122020842306856459014796790567348956858466513457812834561348745465676576347516375678437561763478 657346563746572654765634789563457634789563478659234756134*76534567346576247823653645237652634654 563453465146378653656238456234563456786235763534563456346578634785783 years older than your mum!!!!!!!!
Lil wayne is nellys younger brother they r blood related brothers .
her phone number is 9724994918.i do not have her fan number.
A number one single is used to distinguish it from a number one album,which is a collection of singles. A number one single is the same as a number one hit
door number (1) door number (2) door number (3) and door number (4)
The cast of Nellys - 1983 includes: Alexis Kostalas as Narrator
Stefani Haynes
mustang i guess
please be more specific
Robert Heynes
Her name is Rhonda Mack.
She is not havein a baby! -&.
The cast of Nellys Riddere - 1919 includes: Frederik Buch as Mikkelsen Hertha Christophersen as Nelly Poul Hersleb Borgquist as Tobby
Maria Manuela and António José Furtado of Portugual.
He wouldn't live to the age of twenty