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The movement and relationship of intervals and chords is called harmony. In music, harmony is the use of simultaneous pitches or chords.

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Q: What is the movement and relationship of intervals and chords called?
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Movement and relationship of intervals and chords?


What is The movement and relationship of intervals and chords?


What are the intervals between notes in a chord?

Depends on the chords you are talking about. Major chords have a major third then a minor chord Minor chords have a minor third and then a major chord Augmented chords have two major thirds Diminished chords have two minor thirds

What are parallel chords?

Parallel chords are A sequence of chords consisting of intervals that do not change as the chord moves. For example the chord of C (C,E,G) would be parallel to a following chord ofF (F,A,C)

What does homophony means?

homophony is the relationship between them creating chords~

What is a musical notation using numbers to indicate chords intervals and other aspects in relation to the bass note of the music?

Figured Bass

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What is a harmonic interval?

Answer:Notes that are played together or simultaneously create harmony. The interval between these notes are called harmonic intervals. Just like melodic intervals, there are harmonic 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, etc. The difference is that in melodic intervals the notes are played one after another, while in harmonic intervals you play the notes at the same time.Notes on a chord that are played together have harmonic intervals. The most common type of chords are major and minor chords. The triad is a type of major or minor chord that has 3 notes played either at the same time or one after another. A major triad is played using the 1st (root) + 3rd + 5th notes of a major scale. A minor triad is played using the 1st (root) + 3rd + 5th notes of aminor scale.

A series of chords is called a?

(chord) progression

How many pairs of vocal chords do you have?

Humans have one pair of vocal folds. They are really not called chords.

What is the srumming pattern for all too well by Taylor Swift on the guitar?

There are too many chords to write them all out. However, the chords can be found at a place called guitar chords.

What is a succession of chords that marks the end of a musical phrase?

The two chords at the end of a musical phrase are called a cadence.