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Q: What percent of food dollar goes to farmers?
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What percent of 1 dollar is 1 quarter?

25%, for it is out of a hundred and goes by 25 to get to 100.

How is fair trade beneficial?

it helps the farmers so they can buy seeds and it goes back to the farmers so they can create more food for us

How much of every food dollar goes to the farmer?

Figures from the US Dept of Agriculture for 2011 say the 15.5 cents of a dollar goes to the farmer.

Farmers should be paid more than the footballers.Why?

I sure don't make any money farming. If farmers made that kind of money, everyone would try to get in on it. Land values would skyrocket. food prices would be out of reach. Most of the money spent on food goes to businesses that market to the consumers. I make a dollar a pound on beef. How much do you pay? No, I don't think it is a good idea. Farmers need more for what we produce, but not that kind of money.

What is the percent of change if a 150 dollar pair of sunglasses goes on sale for 75 dollars?

75 is 50% of 150, so the percent change is 50%. The sunglasses are going on sale for 50% off.

What happens if inflation rises by just 1 percent?

The dollar in your pocket is worth .99 of a dollar. also nominal interest=real interest+inflation so nominal interest goes up by 1%

Why do you celebrate harvest?

We celebrate harvest to thank all the farmers that grow all the food that comes to our table. Its a time for thanking god, farmers,the people that work in factories, everyone who goes and helps get food toour table. Its a time to share everything and think about other people around the world who haven't got fresh food or clean water!

How do you round decimals to the nearest dollar?

if the decimal is under .5, then goes to a dollar, but if it is .49 or under, it goes to $0.

What happens when the value of the us dollar goes down?

if the value of dollar goes down, there are big effect to the ofw, for example the remittaces of the ofw when they sent the dollar here in Philippines the value of the dollar is depreciated.

What does it mean if salted fish goes red?

It means that it has been raised in a farm and farmers give them food with chemicals that makes them grow faster and get brighter. They are bad for you in some ways.

When will the US dollar collapse?

It does not tell when the US dollar will collapse. A dollar collapse is when the dollar goes down really quick.

What happens to energy a chicken eats when the chicken is eaten by a human?

10 percent of that energy goes to the human