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100% of Gay people are Male. I say this because traditionally homosexual men are called Gay. Homosexual women are called lesbians.

You should have asked, What percentage of Homosexualpeople are male? I would imagine the actual number is unknown.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Uhh proabably 50 50% idk but most of the girls in my middle school are gay... they like GUYS. :D

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4 15 years Ive labelled myself as gay I have passionately kissed women Emotionally Im 80 percent closer to women Sexually 80 percent it's men Am I gay bi or screwed up?

Um all three.

What is the percentage of bisexual and gay women?

Varies from poll to poll. I think that the lowest estimate is at around one percent, and the highest is around ten percent.

Why gay people not like women?

Gay women like women.

Is there any difference why women are gay and men being gay?

When women are gay, they are interested in other women. When men are gay, they are intersted in other men

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Gay men are not angry with women. This is a myth.

Can gay men have children with women?

Yes, gay men can have children with women.

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What do people call gay women?

Gay women can also be called lesbians, but the best thing to call them is "women".

How do you meet women interested in women?

Gay dating sites, gay clubs, through friends, work or at the gay pride parade.

Do gay men have it harder then gay women?

yes they do

Is Marcus Graham gay?

No He say he like women. He is just cool with gay men and women.

Why do straight men chase gay women?

Straight men generally do NOT chase gay women unless they don't know the woman is gay.