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Q: When the myosin head flexes into a bend pulling the actin filament along with it this is called the A. actin reaction B. power stroke C. recovery stroke D. muscle tone E. action potential?
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Which myofilaments actually do the pulling during the sliding filament model of muscle contraction?

thick filaments

What is the reaction force if Sun's gravity pulling on Earth is the action force?

Earth's gravity pulling on the Sun.

What kind of energy is an example of potential energy?

potential energy is stored energy so like, pulling a bow and arrow, pulling the bow back is a form of potential enegry because it's stroing energy This would be an example of elastic potential energy. Other types include gravitational potential energy, electrical potential energy and chemical potential energy.

What is the main reaction to shift in the earth's crust?

Continental drift or gravity pulling

What are two ways a spring can store elastic potential energy?

A spring can store elastic potential energy by someone/something squeezing or pulling the spring

What kind of energy does the chain have that's pulling the car up to point A is it potential or kinetic?

potential, there isnt another way besides that

Is a tractor pulling plow kinetic energy or potential energy?

Kinetic energy because kinetic energy moves and potential energy stays in place

What does the force caused by gravity pulling down on an object cause an object to have?

Gravitational Potential Energy.

How the reaction force will act on an object while pulling and pushing the object placed on a table?

the object will move

What is potintial?

Potential energy is energy that is stored within an object, and this energy may do work. Gravity is what gives the potential energy to any object, and is a result of gravity pulling down

Is pulling a wagon uphill an example of increasing potential energy?

Yes, the gravitational potential energy is increased. The potential energy in joules is equal to mgh (mass * gravity * height), so increasing the height increases this energy.

A basketball rolling across a flat floor has energy?

A basketball rolling across a flat floor has translational and rotational kinetic energy. There's a force of gravity pulling the ball down towards the floor, and a reaction force pushing the ball up away from the floor.