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Wherever the conductor wants -- usually right in front of him. Wherever the conductor wants -- usually right in front of him.

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Q: Where do the string instruments sit in the orchestra?
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Related questions

Why are string instruments at the front of the orchestra?

They sit in front because wind instruments are louder, so winds are further back.

What are the orchestra's instruments?

in a string orchestra the instruments are: Bass Violin Viola Cello.

How many string instruments in an orchestra?


What is a string section in music?

The string section in a piece of music is the melody played by string instruments such as the violin, cello or viola. The string section in an orchestra is the string instruments in the orchestra, again the violin, cello and viola.

What instruments does the clarinet sit with in the orchestra?

The organization of an orchestra is hundreds of years old and fairly universal. Clarinets sit with similar instruments (like the oboe, bassoon and flute) in the center of the orchestra.

What instruments from the string family have solo performances in the orchestra?


Is a zither a string instruments?

It depends on the orchestra. Symphony orchestra- no. Ethnic orchestra- might be.

What kind of orchestra does not use wind instruments?

Generally, this is called a "string orchestra" although it could be anything.

Where do brass instruments sit in an orchestra?

In the back, but in front of the percussion.

What is the group of instruments referred to as the backbone of the orchestra?

i thonk its the string section, probably the cellos

What are string instruments?

String instruments are instruments that have strings on them, eg. Guitar or Violin.

What families of instruments found in a modern orchestra?

String , woodwinds, brass and percussion :)