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Guitarist Tommy allsup lost the coin toss and his seat on the plane to Ritchie Valens. Fellow back-up musician, bass player Waylon Jennings had already given up his seat to J.P.(Big Bopper) Richardson who had the flu.

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Q: Who lost the coin toss to get on the plane with Ritchie Valens?
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Waylon Jennings lost the coin toss against Ritchie Valens for a spot on the plane. Fortuitously for him, that loss saved his life. (That is the movie version). Dion, of Dion and the Belmonts, was offered a seat but said that a $36 ticket was a month's rent on his parent's apartment. Tommy Allsup was to have taken a seat but J.P. Richardson was quite ill and Allsup agreed to give his seat up for the Bopper. Waylon Jennings gave up his seat to the Big Bopper. Tommy Allsup lost the coin toss to Richie Valens. Buddy chartered the bus the headliners of the act.

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On February 3, 1959, Crickets guitarist Tommy Allsup lost a coin toss to Richie Valens. As a result, it was Valens and not Allsup who died in the plane crash . Big Bopper, J.P. Richardson, who was suffering a bout of the flu, took the plane in place of Waylon Jennings. Jennings beat himself up for years, for exclaiming "I hope your plane crashes!" as they said goodbye. (The band would have known he was joshing, having just told him "I hope your bus breaks down!") Guilt feelings are funny that way.

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