5 am equals 500 hours, 5 pm equals 1700 hours
If it is 1330 (1:30 PM) in Japan, it would be 0030 (12:30 AM) in Missouri the next day, as Missouri is 14 hours behind Japan.
There are 7 hours from 3 pm to 10 pm.
There are 3 hours between 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm.
8:30 AM to 1 PM = 4.5 hours 8:30 PM to 1 PM = 16.5 hours
12:30 am in military/24 hour time is 0030 hours. NB 12:30 am is 30 minutes past midnight.
12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm. 8 hours.
"Zero thirty hours"
7 pm. In this respect, clocks start from midnight.
5 am equals 500 hours, 5 pm equals 1700 hours
12 Hours ! There are 12 hours in the AM and 12 hours in the PM !
0030 is military time for 12:30 AM.
From midnight (am) to Noon (pm) is 12 hours.
There are 16 hours from 4 am to 8 pm. 4 am to 4 pm is 12 hours, then 4 pm to 8 pm is another 4 hours.
If it is 1330 (1:30 PM) in Japan, it would be 0030 (12:30 AM) in Missouri the next day, as Missouri is 14 hours behind Japan.
12 hours
12 hours