There are 10 metric tons in 10,000 kg.
About 317 gallons of heavy fuel oil are in a metric ton.
Roughly 334.03373To calculate:6.6 lbs per gallon kerosene2,204.62262 pounds in metric tonne
There is 1 metric ton in a metric ton of clay. The metric ton is a unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms. So, a metric ton of clay weighs 1 metric ton.
There are 35,273.96 ounces in a metric ton.
10000 kilograms.
One metric ton of LPG is equal to approximately 284.3 gallons.
5 metric tons is equal to 5000 kilograms.
Well what type of oil, as a gallon of 10w30 is different than 5w60.
There are 10 metric tons in 10,000 kg.
If you convert one metric ton of water to gallons, you would have 264.2 US gallons. This is equal to 220 UK gallons.
1 metric tonne = 2 204.62262 pounds1 gallon of milk = 8.5 lbs2204.62262/8.5=259.367367059 gallons of milk per metric ton (approx)
Since gallon is a volume unit and the metric ton is a weight unit there is no possible conversion factor. It all depends on the density of the material.
About 317 gallons of heavy fuel oil are in a metric ton.
Roughly 334.03373To calculate:6.6 lbs per gallon kerosene2,204.62262 pounds in metric tonne
There is 1 metric ton in a metric ton of clay. The metric ton is a unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms. So, a metric ton of clay weighs 1 metric ton.