

Best Answer

You are asking to compare a volume (cubic centimeters) with a mass or grams. So there is no real answer. The question only makes sense if you say what you want 15cc of.

A better type of question is

Q: "How much does 15cc of Styrofoam weigh?" Answer: about 1 gram

Q: "How much does 15cc of water weigh?" Answer: 15 gram

Q: "How much does 15cc of lead weigh?" Answer: 170 gram

Q: "How much does 15cc of gold weigh?" Answer: 290 gram

Which question did you want to ask?

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9mo ago

The conversion of cubic centimeters (cc) to grams depends on the substance being measured, as different substances have different densities. However, for water at room temperature, 1 cc is approximately equal to 1 gram.

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