You are asking to compare a volume (cubic centimeters) with a mass or grams. So there is no real answer. The question only makes sense if you say what you want 15cc of.
A better type of question is
Q: "How much does 15cc of Styrofoam weigh?" Answer: about 1 gram
Q: "How much does 15cc of water weigh?" Answer: 15 gram
Q: "How much does 15cc of lead weigh?" Answer: 170 gram
Q: "How much does 15cc of gold weigh?" Answer: 290 gram
Which question did you want to ask?
A thousand times as many grams as there are kilograms.
No, 15 cc is equal to 1 tablespoon (which is approximately 14.79 cc).
5.25 kg is equal to 5250 grams.
2.5 grams is equal to 2.5 grams.
1.28 grams is equal to 0.002822 pounds.
CC and Ml are the same thing, they are equal. So, 15cc is = to 15ml and 120 ml is = to 120cc. 120 ml is more than 15cc.
No. 1 cc = 1 ml
1cc (cubic centimeter) and 1mL (milliliter) are the same volume. So, 15mL = 15cc
Approximately 5ccs equal 1 teaspoon. Therefore, since 3 teaspoons equal a tablespoon, there are approximately 15cc in 1 tablespoon.
15 case credit
15cc*1g/cc*(9.8m/s) = 147g = .324Lb
A thousand times as many grams as there are kilograms.
190 milligrams is equal to 0.19 grams.
No, 15 cc is equal to 1 tablespoon (which is approximately 14.79 cc).
28.34 grams equal an ounce.
The abbreviation g stands for grams, therefore it is equal to 12345 grams.
5.25 kg is equal to 5250 grams.