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P=UxI so I=P/U so 600/115=5.21 A ignoring losses

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1mo ago

To find the amperage, use the formula: Amps = Watts / Volts. In this case, 600 Watts / 115 Volts = approximately 5.22 Amps. So, the microwave oven requires approximately 5.22 Amps of current.

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11y ago

Most take about 15 amps at full power.

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14y ago

divide watts by volts to get total amps

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Q: 1 A microwave oven uses a 115 V electrical source and produces 600 Watts of power How many amps does it require?
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Yes, a microwave is a source of heat energy. It heats food by using microwave radiation to agitate water molecules within the food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat.

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