1 U.S. fluid ounce = 2 tablespoons ( Tbsp / tbsp / T ) = 6 teaspoons ( tsp / t )
Note that the common table cutlery teaspoons and tablespoons are slightly smaller than the official capacity of the measuring spoons used in baking etc.
There are approximately 0.5 ounces in a tablespoon of golden syrup.
5 t(US) = 160000.000 oz5 t(US) = 160000.000 oz5 t(US) = 160000.000 oz5 t(US) = 160000.000 oz5 t(US) = 160000.000 oz5 t(US) = 160000.000 oz
3000kg is equal to 3 metric tons (tonnes) or 3.31 US tons.
8 oz=25.6 T Sunflower SeedsSources: http://www.bread-bakers.com/archives/digests/v102n046.txt --------------- MESSAGE bread-bakers.v102.n046.10 --------------- From: "Barrie J. Lax" Subject: Conversions ..Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 14:31:51 -0400 Sunflower Seeds (shelled) NEW1/4 Cup = 1 1/4 oz.1/3 Cup = 1 3/4 oz.1/2 Cup = 2 1/2 oz.2/3 Cup = 3 1/2 oz.3/4 Cup = 3 3/4 oz.1 Cup = 5 oz.http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_are_in_a_tablespoon 1 C=16 TBS So 1 C=5 oz=16 TBS
the answer is that you this stupid website doesn't do any thing at all . It just collects information from us . DO NOT GO TO THIS DUMB ,BUT INFORMATIVE STUPID but nice WEBSITE EVER AGAIN
There are 32 fluid Ounces to a Quart.
Each T is 0.5 oz, so 2 T is 1 oz.
If there are 5 mL to a tsp and 8 oz to a cup. Then, 5 mL * 3 tsp *16 T = 240 mL in a cup Now if there are 8 oz in a cup and 240 mL in a cup. (Note: a mL is a cc!) 30 cc = 1 oz
There are approximately 0.5 ounces in a tablespoon of golden syrup.
16 oz = 1 lb 2,000 lb = 1 T 32,000 oz = 1 T
generally speaking, one chicken egg weighs 2 ounces more or less. It usually takes up the volume of about 3 tablespoons, 1 1/2 fl. oz.. Eggs can be as small as a teaspoon or as large as two cups, depending mostly on the bird that lays the egg.
4 Teaspoons cannot equal a cup. Here's how it would break down: Conversions:CHARTtsp = teaspoonT = tablespoonc. = Cupfl oz. = Fluid Ounceqt = quartgal = GallonEQUALS:3 tsp = 1 T2 T = 1 fl oz.1 c. = 8 fl oz.2 c. = 1 pint = 16 fl oz.2 pints = 1 qt. = 32 fl oz.4 qt. = 1 gal = 128 oz.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Convert Weights:oz. to gm; oz x 28.35gm to oz.; gm x .03527-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------More Conversions: EQUALS# = Pounds1# unsifted Flour = 4 cups1# unsifted Cake Flour = 4 1/3 cups1# Butter = 2 cups1# Sugar = 2 1/4 cups1# Powdered (Confectioners) Sugar = 4 cups1# Brown Sugar = 2 2/3 cups-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope any of this helps!!~Valeriehttp://www.myspace.com/bellacake
29 t = 928 000 oz
Yes, there is more than 1 oz.
It seems like the question is cut off. However, it could be asking about a conversion rate like "three teaspoons equal one tablespoon." This is a common measurement equivalence in cooking, where three teaspoons are equivalent to one tablespoon.