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one meter = one million micrometers .

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8mo ago

1 meter is equal to 1,000,000 micrometers.

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Q: 1 meter is the same as what kind of micrometer?
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1 micrometer equals how many meters?

1 micrometer = 0.0000001 meter 1 meter = 1000000 micrometer

Is a micrometer larger or smaller than a meter?

A micrometer is smaller than a meter. One micrometer is equal to one-millionth of a meter.

How many micrometer in 1 meter?

1000000 micrometer

What is the equation for one micrometer equalying 1000 nanometers?

1 nano meter is 0.001 micrometer. 10 nano meter is 0.01 micrometer. 100 nano meter is 0.1 micrometer. 1000 nano meters is 1 micrometer. One micro meter is 10-6 or .000010 meters. One nano meter is 10-9 or .000000010 meters.

What part of a meter is a micrometer?

1 meter = 1 000 000 micrometers

What is the relationship between a micrometer and a meter?

1 meter = 1,000,000 micrometers

1 meter equal to how many micrometer?

A million.

Micrometer is what fraction of a meter?

It is a millionth.

What is the inch equivalent to um?

1 micrometer = 1 millionth of 1 meter. 1 meter = 39.37 inches. so 1 micrometer = 39.37/1 million of an inch = 0.03937 thousandths of an inch

Is one kilometer or one micrometer larger?

Kilometer = 1000 meter Micrometer = 0.000001 meter So, 1 KM = 1 bilion (10^9) micrometers

How many NTU's equal 1 micron?

NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) is a measure of the cloudiness or turbidity of water. It is not directly convertible to microns, which is a unit of length. The relationship between NTU and microns depends on the specific characteristics of the particles causing turbidity in the water. In general, the conversion between NTU and microns is not straightforward and requires specific information about the particles' size and shape in the water sample.

Which unit is larger kilometer micrometer centimeter or decimeter?

kilometer = 1000 meters decameter = 10 meters meter = 1/1000th kilometer ... approx 39.9 inches, just over a yard. decimeter = 1/10th meter centimeter = 1/100th meter millimeter = 1/1000th meter micrometer = 1/1000th millimeter - and - micrometer = 1/1,000,000 meter - one millionth of a meter. These are listed in size from largest to smallest. You did not ask about Meter, Decameter or Meter. By the way, in England it is called a Metre, not a Meter.