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about 166.6 barrels

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9mo ago

It is difficult to directly compare gas and oil because they are different types of hydrocarbons with different energy densities. However, a rough estimate is that 1 million cubic feet of natural gas is roughly equivalent to around 180 barrels of oil in terms of energy content.

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Q: 1 million cubic feet gas is equal to how much barrels of oil?
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If there are 239 million cubic feet of water how many barrels is that?

There are approximately 1,000 barrels in 239 million cubic feet of water. Each barrel contains around 5.6 cubic feet.

How many barrels in 2 trillion cubic feet of gas?

Two trillion cubic feet of gasoline is roughly 489,795,922,000 barrels.

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1 mmcf (one million cubic feet) is equal to 1,000 mcf (one thousand cubic feet).

10 million gallons equals how many cubic ft of water?

10 million gallons is equal to: 1,337,000 cubic feet.

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1 million gallons per day equates to about 0.001522472 cubic feet per second.

How do you convert Mm3 to Tmc?

TMC means Thousand million cubic feet. MM3 means Million meter cube. One Meter is equal to 3.28084 feet. Hence one cubic meter is 3.28084x3.28084x3.28084 = 35.41607 cubic feet. Million meter cube MM3 is 35416070 cubic feet. or alternatively if 35416070 cubic feet is 1 MM3, then 1 TMC i.e. 1000,000,000 cubic feet is equal to 28.23577 MM3.

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There are 27 cubic feet in 1 cubic yard. Therefore, 54 cubic feet is equal to 2 cubic yards.

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2.3 million cubic feet of water is approximately 17.2 million gallons.

How many cubic feet in 90 million gallons?

There are approximately 1.34 million cubic feet in 90 million gallons.

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17,116 cubic feet is equal to about 484.7 cubic meters.

Covert cubic feet to cubic yards?

To convert cubic feet to cubic yards, you can divide the number of cubic feet by 27, as there are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. So, if you have 81 cubic feet, it would be equal to 3 cubic yards (81 / 27 = 3).

How many cusecs equal to one mcft of water?

One cubic foot per second (cusec) is equal to approximately 0.001 acre-feet, so 1,000 cusecs would equal 1 million cubic feet (mcft) of water.