1 pound is equal to 16 ounces.
There are 16 OUNCE in 1POUND ANSWER. 0.4 X 16 equals 6.4 Ounce (oz)
104.87 kg
1.720 kg
5460 kg.
About 0.453 kg
70.31 kg
On the earth, 4.4 kg of mass weighs 9pounds11.2ounces .On the moon, the same 4.4 kg of mass weighs 1pound 9.3ounces .
It is 1.653 lbs (approx.). Kilogram is an SI unit of mass and pound is an imperial unit. To convert from kg to pound multiply kg unit by 2.20462.0.75 Kg is equal to 1pound,10.455 ounces.
1 pound is approximately equal to 0.45 kilograms.
2KG 1pound =2.2 kilograms
1 pound 13 ounces is equivalent to approximately 0.82 kilograms.
There are six times as many apples in the bag on the Moon. This is usually used by the metric folks to point out that the pound is really a measure of Force, while the kilogram is a measure of Mass. (If the question had been 1 kg of apples on each, the answer would have been that they have the same number of apples).
that is 16 ounces
That is 22 ounces