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The easy answer is yes 1500 ft on 24 gauge telephone wire would work fine with a phone. Assuming this is for residential home analog phone usage then you would be using 2 wires so the upper limit is 3,500 Feet. If you need it to go further then you will need to use 22 gauge wire and that can get you up to 5,500 feet.

Some considerations though is all the other wiring in the home, since all of it is powered by a single pair from the demarcation point aka "phone box" on the outside of your home, it all counts towards the total.

If you are using this with a PBX aka "business phone system" and the phone uses 4 wires then the distance limitations are as follows:

22 or 24 gauge = 5,000 feet

26 gauge wire = 4,000 feet

Hope this helps.

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9mo ago

The maximum recommended distance for 24-gauge telephone wire is typically around 1000 feet. Running it for 1500 feet may result in signal degradation, increased noise, and poor performance. It's advisable to use thicker wire or consider using a signal booster if you need to cover such a long distance.

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