3 Gallons = 24 Pints
67 pints is equal to 8.375 gallons (1 gallon = 8 pints) or 134 pints (1 gallon = 8 pints).
3 pints, try using google for simple unit conversion
3 gallons is equal to 24 pints, as 1 gallon is equivalent to 8 pints.
3 gallons and 1 quart is equal to 12 pints. 1 gallon = 8 pints, so 3 gallons = 24 pints. Adding the 1 quart (1 quart = 2 pints) gives a total of 26 pints.
3 Gallons = 24 Pints
67 pints is equal to 8.375 gallons (1 gallon = 8 pints) or 134 pints (1 gallon = 8 pints).
No 24 gal 1 Gallon = 8 pints 1 pint = 0.12 gallon
There are 4 quarts in a gallon and 2 pints in a quart therefore, 3*4*2 = 24 pints
There are 8 pints in 1 gallon, so 24 pints in 3 gallons.
0.5 gal
24 pints = 3 gallons
no 1 gal= 8 pints 1/2 gal = 4 pints
There are 8 pints in a US gallon, so there are 3/8, or 0.375, US gallons in 3 pints.
Three pints i equal to 6 cups
3 pints, try using google for simple unit conversion
3 gal & 1 qt