1.7 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 50.3 milliliters.
1 US fluid ounce = 29.5735295625 millilitres.
Two fluid ounces is 59.1 (59.1471) mL
473.176473 ml
There are 0.5 fluid ounces (fl oz) in 1 tablespoon (tbsp).
15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).15 mls = 0.51 fl oz (US).
1.7 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 50.3 milliliters.
2 fl. qts=1892.705892ml
That 1.764 fl oz.
2 fl oz are 59.061 mls.
heavy cream is liquid thus 1 cup pf heavy cream is 8 fl oz which is equal to 250ml
400 millilitres of water is equal to 13.53 ounces, at a rate of 29.57 millilitres per ounce.
20 fl oz = 591 mls
1 fl oz is 29.57 ml
1 fl oz is 29.573 mls.
1 US fluid ounce = 29.5735295625 millilitres.
fl, as in femtolitres? That is 10-15! so there are 2x10-11 mls in 20fl