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5 vital organs in the human body

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

There are 5 vowels in the English alphabet: A, E, I, O, U.

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How do you play Hedwig's Theme on the piano?

This means the note is going up: ^This means the note is going down: vSharp : #Flat : bB ^ E ^ G v F# v E ^ B v A v F#E ^ G v F# v D ^ F v BB ^ E ^ G v F# v E ^ B ^ D v C# v CA ^ C v B v Bb v B ^ G v EG ^ B v G ^ BG ^ C v B v Bb v F# ^ G ^ B v Bb v C v B ^ BG ^ B v G ^ BG ^ D v C# v C v A ^ C v B v Bb v B ^ G v Eit's very simple. make sure you play it in a high octave, it makes it sound better (:If you mean Hedwig's theme, it is in 3/4 and this is for guitar so it might sound a little off: for RIGHT Trouble Clef: B,O E,T&H G,1/2 F#,O E,2 B,O&OCT A,TH F#,TH E,T&H G,1/2&OCT F#,O D,T F FL,O B,FIVE(tie) B,O E,T&H&OCT G#,1/2&OCT F,O&OCT E,T&OCT B,O&OCT D,T&OCT2 C#,O&OCT2 C,T&OCT2(you can flat) G#,O&OCT

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How do you find the height of a pyramid?

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