11 lb 8 oz is equal to 184 oz.
One cup = 8 oz. Therefore, 4 cups equals 32 oz. 4 x 8 = 32
8 fl oz = 1 cup . . 64 fl oz = 8 cups
8 US fl oz. is about 237mL
There are 2.5 eight-ounce cups in a 20-ounce glass. To get this answer, you simply divide 20 by 8.
128 oz equals 8 pounds.
8 oz of miniature marshmallows equals 5 cups.
4 tomatoes equals 8 oz
8 oz is half a pound exactly.
11 lb 8 oz is equal to 184 oz.
8 tbsp is approximately 3.6 fl oz.
226.8 g
8 fl oz is 236.6cc